Runners don't think the things they do are weird, but from a non-running perspective we are unusual!! We are particular about our routines, habits, and preferences – right down to the 'lucky shorts or socks' we wear for a race!
A storm is coming? What storm? We always look at the bright side of weather conditions discounting flooding, lightning, triple digit temperatures or negative temperatures. I mean, you gotta get in your run, right?
Our passion doesn't look “fun” to others. Getting up at 4am to run to meet friends and run in the dark. Traveling long distances to a starting line to 26.2 miles for a medal and a shirt is fun? And it is our top CHOICE!
Nipple Band-Aids! While I’ll can't relate, being female, non runners actually think ban-aids are limited to cuts!!! And let's not discount the lengths we go to prevent chafed, armpits, things and other body parts.
A runner's definition of “far” is very different. We run more per week than most probably drive – and some of us run enough per year to get us from LA to New York.
We love gear Gear! I personally own more running shoes than high heels or casual shoes. We get more excited for a new pair of running shoes than most people do about getting a new flat screen. My closet is full of every 'tech' apparel available, not to mention GPS watches, heart rate monitors, and wearable tech that the general public don't know exists.
Runner's idea of a relaxing afternoon is a long run. Most of us run almost every day, challenging weather, time and obligations and some of us run TWICE in one day!
Bathroom breaks without bathrooms. Taking a quick pit stop outside is no big deal, and in fact, many local residents of Spring Lake, Belmar and other big race cities can catch a glimpse of runners ducking behind their bushes. And the though of a port-a-john to an average person is punishment! To us, it's gold.
Runners are unaware how impressive they are to the average person. Like running a marathon, training for hours, and finishing races faster than most can drive them makes us superhuman.
We own every running book ever written. We follow many tried-and-true gurus that inspire and every newfangled training method from. barefoot running to the Hanson Method. The question on the layman's mind is: 'How much is there to know about running?'
Shaved legs Particularly on guys, because nowadays women elect to have hairy legs rather than throw on tights just because they forgot to shave! But seriously, there are many man, triathletes in particular, who think it;'s an advantage to shave their legs. Many male runners do it to feel more aerodynamic. And in fact, I know guys that get their haircut before a race as well.
Some call it addiction, some call it dedication! Either way we'll never give up!!
Dawn Ciccone, running addicted.